How to make a business with minimum investment

2 Min Read

Everyone wants their own business , but not all have sufficient financial resources to start a profitable business. We should help you today with some business that you cand start even if you don’t have too much money and you can win even from it.

You can start a gourmet restaurant. Gourmet restaurant is not a new concept but it is great home based business. If you love cooking for your large family then you can turn this love into a small business. Just invite few close friends to the dinner and spread a word about it on social media. Then you can charge them money for food that you serve. You need nothing just good food and create an ambience.

Another business ideea with a minimum investment is consultancy services. This is the foremost of the small businesses one could ever think of; one can basically consult on almost anything and everything. Just think of any special skill in your possession and pronto, you can make a reasonable income from it. E.g. marriage counseling, business consult, legal consult, property consultancy, educational consulting, media consultant, etc. One do not have to possess any capital to start consulting, just some contacts on your phone, email addresses and referrals from family and friends, you are good to go.



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