😱 10 Greșeli Fatale care îți pot ruina nunta din cauza fotografului! (și Cum să le Eviți)

Vrei o nuntă perfectă, cu amintiri de neuitat? Atunci trebuie să È™tii că alegerea unui fotograf de nuntă din BucureÈ™ti  e CRUCIALÄ‚! Din păcate, multe mirese fac greÈ™eli care le pot transforma visul în coÈ™mar. Nu lăsa asta să È›i se întâmple È™i È›ie! Realitatea È™ocantă: cifrele nu mint! Un studiu recent pe 500 de mirese a arătat că: GreÈ™eala

Oana Ariton

About School For StartUps Romania

School for StartUps Romania (S4S) is the firs entrepreneurial school in Romania that aims to help aspiring entrepreneurs start successful businesses or grow the already existing ones. School for Startups started in 2008 in the UK, at the initiative of D. Richard, serial entrepreneur and business angel investor. The over 10.000 startups in United Kingdom, which participated in School for


How to make a business with minimum investment

Everyone wants their own business , but not all have sufficient financial resources to start a profitable business. We should help you today with some business that you cand start even if you don't have too much money and you can win even from it. You can start a gourmet restaurant. Gourmet restaurant is not a new concept but it is


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Gadgets have invaded the world. Everything new and everything that appears on

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Gadgets have invaded the world. Everything new and everything that appears on
